Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Glamorous Futuristic Fashion of Amapo

amapo model in 3d metallic prism fashionEveryone needs a little glam in their life, and that's exactly what Amapo designers Carolina Gold and Pitty Taliani delivered for Sao Paulo fashion week 2011! The designs ranged from trippy metallic prisms to a futuristic and somewhat disheveled look.

I'm not too sure about the braided hair extensions wrapped around the neck on some of the models, but overall this Amapo Fall 2011 collection gets my vote.

models from amapo fall 2011 runway
amapo fall 2011 sao paulo fashion week models
models wear amapo fall 2011 collectionHere's a cool video from the runway show. If you subscribe by email and can't see the video go directly to Glam Rock Couture.

Rock On!
Love, Cara Mia

Friday, January 28, 2011

HOLY GLAM ROCK! Kronier creations freaks the platforms

kroiner creations platformsIf you think the glam rock style has gone away, you haven't seen Kroiner Creations!

I would say it's more of a modern style glam with a futuristic cyber twist, but still appropriate for today's new glam rockers. They are based in Berlin and make some fierce platforms, costumes and other over the top stuff.

Might take a bit of practice to walk in these bad boys, but you wouldn't have to worry about running into someone with the same shoes at a party!

kroiner performancekroiner blue green platforms

kroiner black platform shoes
platform space boots
Hope everyone has a glamorous psychedelic weekend!

Rock On!
Love, Cara Mia

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

GLAM ROCK It's in Black and White!

glam rock boy and girl modelsYep! You heard it here's in black and white.....GLAM ROCK IS BACK! OK, I'll stop shouting now. But I do predict 2011 to be the year of a major glam comeback. And maybe even the next few years to come.

It's not just because I happen to love the fashion or music, it's seriously cropping up in every mag I see. Girls in furry jackets and platforms....boys in eyeliner....*ahem* boys in platforms! Get it? Got it? Good! Cause the scene is happening and the scenesters are ready!

bowie ziggy and lou
glitter gary twisted lamb
glam rocker
baby jane shoot

glam rock platform boots stars
zolar xI hope everyone had a fabulous holiday. I took an extended vacay but I'm back and will have more fun posts to come! What are your favorite glam looks? Favorite bands? Any new music to share? I'm always on the hunt.

Rock On!
Love, Cara Mia

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Hey everybody, what's shakin'?!

Ralph the reindeer wants to wish you a very happy and festive holiday season! May you get everything your heart desires in 2011!

Rock On!
Love, Cara Mia

AND....Here's a fun rock n roll Christmas video to get you in the party mood! :) If you subscribe by email and can't see the video go directly to Glam Rock Couture.

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